Risks and Hazards
There are many hazards when working on a new project especially with older buildings in mind. Even nowadays when starting a project on a new site most structures that were constructed between 1920 and 1980 run a huge risk of harbouring dangerous asbestos products, these products can be found in the floors, roof, pipes, boiler, installation of walls and fireproofing materials around a building site. And also remember when ever using a face mask ensure that it is fitted with asbestos filters. But before watching the video, Why are there Add's on this page? I need to generate revenue, allowing me to reinvest and improve my site.
Many large companies will want to see an
asbestos policy before any work are carried out. Asbestos is the most common cause of mesothelioma.
People most likely to have been exposed to will include:
construction workers, plumbers,
behind old brick work, electricians,
boiler makers,
ship builders,
demolition workers,
people who worked in other places where asbestos was present.
One of the things I also think is very important is to have renovation building insurance cover in place as many projects you may work on can be empty buildings. So make sure that asbestos policy and public liability insurance is all in place before a job.
Even when a business is doing everything right there's always the chance of an accident. With the right public liability insurance cover, your business can operate knowing that should the worst happen, their customers and possessions will be replaced and property repaired.